1-Baton Trick Meet
For a printable version, click here to download a pdf.
Click here to go to videos of the tricks in each level.
The Oregon Baton Council has a carefully sequenced 7-level event to assist twirlers in the development of their twirling skills. Each level consists of 5 twirls. The twirler performs them in front of a judge, who scores them on a scale of 1-5. Receiving all 4s and 5s will earn the twirler a blue ribbon, which indicates a "pass" for that level, but twirlers may repeat a level until getting all 5s, if desired. Twirlers may enter multiple levels of trick meet at a contest.
Keep good records of the levels you have passed.
(LH=Left Hand, RH=Right Hand)
Keep good records of the levels you have passed.
(LH=Left Hand, RH=Right Hand)
- Figure 8 (in your favorite hand)
- Wrist twist
- Arm slide, no toss
- Rainbow toss, with lunges from side to side
- Balance baton anywhere on your body
- LH Figure 8
- RH Flat twirl (Horizontal twirl, counter clockwise)
- RH End swing
- LH Dead stick tosses
- RH wrist twirl
- LH Wrist twirl
- RH Figure 8
- LH Flat twirl (Horizontal twirl, counter clockwise)
- RH Reverse figure 8
- Front 2-hand back pass
- RH Whip (figure 8, then loop behind)
- LH Reverse 8
- LH Reverse front 2-hand to RH back pass
- LH Horizontal figure 8 (forward position)
- L elbow roll, catch RH (1/2 revolution. Example: if you start thumb-to-ball, you catch thumb-to-tip)
- Rev. cartwheel (RH front 2-hand on R side, then pull to L side; LH front 2-hand on L side, then pull to R side)
- RH horizontal reverse 8 ("over-under")
- LH reverse whip (reverse 8, loop behind back)
- RH figure 8, two-finger (vertical)
- RH figure 8 handrolls (forward)
- RH horizontal 2-finger (from RH horizontal reverse-8))
- LH horizontal 2-finger (from LH horizontal figure-8 in forward direction)
- RH thumb flip (1 revolution, catch LH, reverse 8 pack pass)
- Left elbow wrist roll, catch LH & pack-pass to RH
- LH whip (figure-8, loop behind back)
- RH flat twirl. RH slide to end. Neck wrap RH to LH. Horizontal/flat toss LH to RH. Repeat.
- RH whip, RH thumb toss; one spin to L, follow through with reverse-8, flourish and repeat
- Reverse cartwheel thumb flips (1 revolution)
- LH reverse figure-8 to L side. 4-finger in front of tummy (roll over fingers). Repeat.
- Reverse R elbow roll, catch LH (1/2 revolution. Example: if you start thumb-to-ball, you catch thumb-to-tip)
For a printable version, click here to download a pdf.
Click here to go to videos of the tricks in each level.
Click here to go to videos of the tricks in each level.